I remember skipping Calculus class and heading downtown to prowl the massive bookshelves. Being a starving student, I would gravitate to the used book section. It was in the lower level near the back that I found it. A pretty red-headed girl in my Psych 101 class had mentioned Think And Grow Rich after I told her that one day I was going to be a millionaire. Instead of mocking me or giggling, she got a serious, somber look on her face. Her father was a pediatrician and was wealthy. He had made her read the book in Grade 11 along with Atlas Shrugged. I think it had a reverse effect on her. She was into smoking weed and going out drinking Wednesday to Sunday night. She was fun to hang out with in small doses, but her dark jaded views on life was a total bummer after she had downed a few tequila shots. But she pointed me towards a book that would change my life.